HashiCorp certifications Live Discussion
As part of HashiConf Digital EU 2020, my co-host Dominique Top and I engage with two fellow HashiCorp Ambassadors, Bryan Krausen and Ned Bellavance. In this discussion , we discuss address some commonly asked questions around the HashiCorp certifications, as well as go through Bryan …
HashiCorp Cloud Service on Azure with Brendan Burns
As part of HashiConf Digital EU 2020, I had the absolute honour and privilege to virtually sit down with one of the founders of the Kubernetes project Brendan Burns for a live discussion panel. In this chat, we discuss the partnership between Microsoft and HashiCorp, …
Securing RabbitMQ with Vault
Learn how to configure a HashiCorp Vault server to help secure access to a RabbitMQ message queue in this talk for HashiTalks conference 2020. As more software architects move their application designs towards microservice architecture and asynchronous event-driven workflows, the use of message queue systems …